
How This Busy Woman Saved Her Home From A Dangerous Roach Invasion With A Quick Trick

Thursday, July 28 2022
*The person’s story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by BugMD customers.

Sarah T., 32, never imagined her dream job would turn her home into a health hazard.

As a dedicated restaurant manager in Houston, Sarah’s passion was creating memorable dining experiences, but long hours left little time for housekeeping. Her ground-floor apartment became a haven for some…uninvited guests.

One fateful evening, Sarah reached for a glass of water. As she lifted it to her lips, she froze. There, scurrying inside, was a roach. She dropped the glass, shattering it across the floor. “I felt violated,” Sarah recalls, shuddering. “These pests were everywhere, even in my drinking water!”

“I was horrified,” Sarah recalls. “But the health hazards were even more terrifying.

Sarah’s horror deepened when she discovered cockroach droppings in her silverware drawer. “The thought of accidentally ingesting that…” Sarah trailed off, looking pale. “I couldn’t eat in my own home anymore.”

A few days later during a dinner party with coworkers, as Sarah served the main course, a cockroach brazenly crawled across the table. Her guests recoiled in disgust. “I was mortified,” Sarah confessed, fighting back tears. “My reputation was ruined. How could I manage a restaurant when I couldn’t even keep my own home clean?”

Sarah desperately launched into action. She scoured her apartment, tossing piles of dishes and scrubbing every surface. But it was too late – the roaches kept appearing, seemingly multiplying overnight.

Horrifically, Sarah woke up the next morning wheezing, her eyes puffy and itchy.

“I could barely breathe,” she gasped. “I had no idea cockroaches could trigger such severe allergies”— “all because of these disgusting pests that invaded my apartment.” “These roaches everywhere,” she said, “finally made me realize how much of a problem they were causing to my health and professional life. It wasn’t just the constant stress of seeing them, it was the very real threat to my respiratory health and my career.”

She knew she had to do something to get rid of these roaches so she could reclaim her home and her life. Immediately she started looking into bug sprays, traps, and exterminators.

“I tried those toxic sprays,” Sarah said, her voice hoarse. But the fumes made me dizzy and nauseous. The traps weren’t catching enough of the roaches to make a difference. And I didn’t have the money to spend a fortune on exterminators with my manager’s salary. I couldn’t risk my health any further.” 

With options dwindling, Sarah faced an impossible choice: drain her savings on endless exterminator visits, or live in constant fear of these disease-carrying pests.

But salvation was closer than she knew… just down the hall.

While collecting her mail one evening, Sarah bumped into her neighbor, Mike. Noticing her puffy eyes and wheezing, he asked what was wrong.

“Roaches,” Sarah whispered, ashamed. “They’ve taken over my apartment.”

Mike’s determined face sparked a glimmer of hope. “Hold on,” he said, disappearing into his apartment.

Moments later, Mike emerged, a small bottle in hand and a triumphant look on his face.

“Trust me,” Mike said, eyes twinkling. “This spray is a miracle worker. Just mix it with water and spray anywhere you’ve seen roaches or want to keep them away. It works like a charm”

Skeptical but desperate, Sarah followed Mike’s advice. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” she exclaimed. “I sprayed my entire apartment that evening. By morning, dead roaches littered the floors. Within days, there wasn’t a single live roach in sight!”

Sarah called Mike, with gratitude. “This spray is a lifesaver,” she said happily. “How have I never heard of this before?”

The bottle, labeled ‘BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate’ was full of this miracle liquid. “I didn’t fully understand how it worked,” Sarah admitted, “but the results spoke for themselves. I immediately grabbed my computer and ordered several more bottles to make sure I’d never run out.””

The best part?” Sarah beamed, “It’s incredibly easy to use, contains no harsh chemicals, and eliminates over 40 different pests on contact. I stocked up with 5 more boxes after noticing it frequently sells out!”

The use anywhere, plant-powered spray that eliminates roaches and 40+ other pests…

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate is a plant-powered, 100% harsh chemical free solution that you can spray anywhere to eliminate roaches fast. This little green bottle gives you complete piece of mind. Made with breakthrough “nano-oil” technology, BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate protects your home from roaches and 40+ other pests.

It combines the perfect mixture of clove and cottonseed oil. The cottonseed oil is one of the most powerful natural insecticides, Eliminating the roaches on contact. Clove oil acts to overwhelm the roaches’ senses and repels them from coming back.

The innovative “nano-oil” technology means there is no longer any need to keep reapplying nasty smelling bug sprays every day. BugMD Essential Pest Concentratecomes in a convenient 3.7oz bottle of concentrate that can easily be stored anywhere in your home, packed for travel or outdoor adventures. BugMD Essential Concentrate works great to eliminate roaches, bed bugs, ants, spiders, fleas, ticks, and over 40+ other nasty pests.

Unlike traditional bug spray, this spray doesn’t contain harsh chemicals making it safe to use around kids and pets. *

Plus, it’s incredibly easy to use: simply mix the bottle of concentrate with water in the FREE spray bottle that is provided, shake, and start spraying anywhere bugs like to hide.

With over 76,745 Bottles of BugMD sold nationwide, the reviews are in…

BugMD customers love spreading the word about this new bug spray repellent. Here are just a few verified reviews:
“I couldn’t wait to reorder this essential-oil based bug killer. It kills and keeps away cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas, ants, and many, MANY other bugs.”
— Robert I.
“I don’t ever want to be without it, the bugs are thinning out at my house , Thank You So Much.”
— Adie B.
“Great product, natural clove fragrance, kills bugs nicely indoors and out. 😁😁”
— Barbara B.

BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate is transforming lives, so we had to try it for ourselves…

We’ve read thousands of positive reviews about BugMD, but in order to truly believe it, we had to test it for ourselves. So, we ordered a bunch of BugMD bottles (which arrived at our door 3 days later) and started conducting tests everyday.
MY REVIEW OF BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate
*The person’s story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by BugMD customers.


I wanted to see if BugMD could stand up against even the most stubborn roaches. So, I went to one of my friends’ houses who said they had some roach problems lately. There were nasty, peppery droppings everywhere and I even saw a big roach scurry by less than a minute after I opened the door. So, I sprayed BugMD around all the entrances and nooks and crannies at the house. One even crawled from under the stove so I immediately sprayed it. The roach moved for barely a second then died right in front of me. I was shocked how fast it worked!
RESULT: I came back to her house 2 weeks later and was amazed to find absolutely no signs of roaches. I checked those exact same spots and no droppings at all. Zero. I was shocked and so was my friend. She demanded that I let her keep a couple bottles I had with me in her house!


For the next test, I wanted to see if BugMd really could beat one of the toughest pests to get rid of – spiders. I recently moved into a new home and was being invaded by spiders. I never had this problem where I used to live so I didn’t know how horrible it could get. By the time I realized what happened it was too late. For every one spider I killed 2 more seemed to replace it. I already had tried placing spider traps and chalk, but that didn’t seem to help at all. So, I sprayed an entire bottle of BugMD around every crevice of my garage, kitchen and every crack in my house where they hide, then waited to see if they came back.
RESULT: The next morning, I woke up and immediately checked the garage. I was amazed! Not a single spider in sight, NOT ONE. Next I went into the kitchen and the only thing I saw was corpses. Not a single spider was moving. So far, blown away by how versatile this powerful solution is.


Finally, I took this experiment to fleas, who are known for laying dozens of eggs per day.
Luckily (for the sake of this experiment) my sister’s dog has been scratching herself raw. She chalked it up to being fleas (probably from a recent hike). She tried flea drop but her dog had a bad reaction to them so she had to stop. With no other option, I convinced her to let me try out BugMD since it’s safe for pets. So, I sprayed BugMD around her bed and even a little on her fur (I diluted it just to be safe).
Within minutes, I kid you not, I counted 3 fleas jump right off her like it was the titanic. I chased them down and got them all in one spray that eviscerated them instantly. I left the bottle with her and told her I’d check in later.
When I called the next day to see how it worked she was shocked. She said her dog hadn’t scratched once all day. I just laughed because I honestly had my doubts, but this stuff really does work!


BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate blew my expectations away, and I can say it’s well worth the hype. I haven’t seen anything on the market this effective, easy, and affordable — this is a game changer! If you are tired of pesky roaches invading your home, you need these!” I strongly recommend trying BugMD Spray for yourself.

Is it worth it?

Right now is the perfect time to protect you & your loved ones from pesky and potentially dangerous roaches. BugMD is offering a special internet only promotion on BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate — but only while their limited inventory lasts. The best part is BugMD is a small US owned and operated business that stands behind their products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. That’s how confident they are you’ll love their products.
If you want an easy, mess-free, and effective way to eliminate & repel Roaches, BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate is the family-friendly and harsh-chemical free alternative you need.
*UPDATE: Wednesday, October 2, 2024* BugMD Essential Pest Concentrateis making waves online. These bottles are flying off the shelves. BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate has now sold out of inventory 3 times. Even with popularity soaring and 5-star reviews pouring in, BugMD’s Essential Pest Concentrate are currently offering a 55% OFF discount for new customers (while supplies last). The best part is BugMD is a small US owned and operated company that is so sure you will love their products that they offer a no hassle 30-day satisfaction guarantee. So there’s no reason not to give BugMD a try. Click below to see if it’s still in stock. popularity and positive reviews, BugMD is so confident in their product that they are now offering an exclusive, internet-only discount while supplies last. To see if bottles are still available, click the button below.


Limited Inventory Available

  1. Home Advisor, Tschudi R. Learn how much it costs to Hire an Insect Control Service. Home Advisor. Published 2022.
  2. Snell E, Smith T, Bettini T, et al. Efficacy Of The 012813-3-A-SNE Formulation When Applied As Direct Spray Applications Against Various Pest Species. Meansville, GA: Snell Scientifics, LLC; 2019:1-26.
  3. Cloyd R, Galle C, Keith S, et al. Effect of Commercially Available Plant-Derived Essential Oil Products on Arthropod Pests. J Econ Entomol. 2009;102(4):1567-1579. doi:10.1603/029.102.0422.
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  6. Russ K, Williamson J. Less Toxic Insecticides. Home & Garden Information Center | Clemson University, South Carolina. Published 2019.
  7. Ibid
  8. Bogran, C., Ludwig, S., & Metz, B. (2006). Using Oils As Pesticides [Ebook] (4th ed., pp. 1-4). College Station, Texas: Texas A&M Agriculture Extension.
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  10. Rust MK, Dryden MW. The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea. Annu Rev Entomol. 1997;42:451–473. doi: 10.1146/annurev.ento.42.1.451.


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